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Speech Therapy

It’s not uncommon to meet hindrances in living a quality life.  This is even more difficult for those who have communication disorders or speech impediments. Still, there are remedies to such conditions.  Through speech therapy, we help our clients maximize their life opportunities by improving their communication skills.

There are many conditions that can be treated with Speech Therapy.   Among them are Articulation Challenges, Attention Deficit Disorders, Autism, Behavioral Problems, Cerebral Palsy, Cognitive Deficiencies, Cranial Nerve Damage, Developmental Disabilities, Dyslexia, Hearing Impairment, Lisp, Mild Stroke, Neurological Disorders, Stammering or Stuttering, and Swallowing Difficulties.

If you are unsure about Speech Therapy being the right choice for yourself or someone you love, please contact us.

Home Health 4U, Inc. offers consultation and assessment services from our office at Granada Hills or when we are requested to visit you at home.  Set a schedule soon.